Porto Design
Summer School

Next Edition
July 15–27 2024

Porto Design
Summer School

Next Edition
July 15–27 2024

28 Mar 2024

Tutors for 2024

We are pleased to announce the principle tutors for the 2024 edition. This year we welcome Ana Resende, a Portuguese designer who's been running her own studio in Porto since 2016, with a particular emphasis on editorial design. A nice fact is that Ana is a past participant of the summer school. Returning this year is another Portuguese Porto-based designer, André Cruz, founder of André Cruz Studio and lecturer on the MA in Communication Design at ESAD (Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Matosinhos). The team is completed by Hamish Muir, co-founder of the London-based design partnership MuirMcNeil, and Andrew Howard (founder of the summer school and the Porto-based Studio Andrew Howard, and course leader on the MA in Communication Design at ESAD). In addition, and as in previous editions, conversations with other designers will also be scheduled during the two weeks.