Porto Design
Summer School

Next Edition
July 15–27 2024

Porto Design
Summer School

Next Edition
July 15–27 2024

23 Mar 2020

Still open and hoping for better days

With the world in the grip of the Coronavirus pandemic, making plans for the coming months is problematic. For the Porto Design Summer School, scheduled to take place in July, we simply do not know what the state of things will be at that time – in Portugal or elsewhere. Nevertheless, we are keeping the application process open. We believe there is nothing to loose in this respect, hoping for the earliest resolution of the pandemic whilst recognising the possibility of a more drawn out scenario.

The first and foremost priority however is the combat against the epidemic, supporting each other and our communities. Better days will surely come. We will post more news as we are in a position to do so. In the meantime, keep safe and take care of each other.